Friday, 22 March 2013

Dior Nail Glow Nail Polish

I'm really intrigued by this nail polish by Dior. The principle behind it is that it's meant to look like you might not be wearing nail polish but just naturally have shiny, healthy, glowing nails. 

Dior even go so far as to say it brightens the nail tips so it looks like a natural french polish. As someone who gets impatient with chipped nails and definitely has no patience to do a french manicure on myself - this sounds like a dream come true.

I haven't tried this yet but I'm tempted to pick it up soon - have any of you tried this?

Doing some research online, it looks like it gives your nails a transparent light pink glow which looks really pretty and gives your nails a naturally healthy look. 

I'm a huge fan of nail polish but sometimes a natural nail just says 'chic'. A natural nail with whiter tips and a glowy base? Even better!

This costs £18 and is available to buy now.


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